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Thursday, 26 January 2012


ये पुकारता है वक़्त....अभियोजन को करो सशक्त



 about  mp abhiyojan  adhikari  sangh 
Prosecution is a essential and identical part of the criminal justice administration.Prosecuter is a court officer along with bench and bar. Weak prosecution cause harm the criminal justice which affect society adversally.So it is a sacrocent duty of all of us to strenghten to the prosecution through this only we can hope for better future.To achieve this goal prosecution officer of MP decided to form a association . In result pesent asssociation of prsecution officer come in existance which is Madhya Pradesh Abhiyojan Adhikari sangh. m.p. abhiyojan adhikari sangh is working for betterment of prosecution officer of MP within legal sphere.   (Regd No.01/01/01/20714/09)
                       Abhiyojan adhikari sangh have interaction with  abhiyojan sangh of other state aloong  with other employ associations which have same wave length.mp rajpatrit adhikari sangh has cordial bound with us


Abhiyojan Adhikari Sangh Madhyapradesh is registered organisation under setteled law existing in MP. Sangh is working for betterment of prosecution officer of MP within legal sphere.The Regd No. is 01/01/01/17420/09. Present body of the sangh constitute as below:-( AFTER ELECTION ON 11/ 1/ 2014 )

Custodian:-shri R K Agnihotri Ex-DGP MP

                    Shri Kedarsingh Kansana,DDP GUNA 

1)President:-sushri ANITA SHUKLA A.D.P.O  INDORE          
 2Vice President:-  Shri Uday Singh Raghuvanshi,ADPO BPL   
4) joint secretary : shri RAVAN VERMA 
                                "    SANJAY UPADHYAY
5) treasurer              " BRIJESHA UPADHYAY
Working committee is as below:-
has to  be select

         Office Address

Membership And Account  

Membership Fee is Rs.240/-per annum.Life membership fee is Rs.2000/- and Custodian fee is Rs.5000/-.Member can contribute to Sangh apart from these fees and form of financially,intelectually,physically even morally too.Sangh has joint account in branch of SBI Nyaylaya Shakha Bhopal.Member can contribute directly in account or send cheques,MO or cash.Sangh will publish account detail very soons.Sangh account no is 32148381310 in SBI branch distt civil court Bhopal.Member can deposit their contribution in said account directly.

( before doing any business  regarding account p;ease confirm  detail . THIS INFORMATION  IS NOR UPDATE )

अपराध पर अंकुश लगाने और क़ानून व्यवस्था को दुरस्त करने के लिये एक सक्षम और स्वतन्त्र अभियोजन का होना आवश्यक है... अपराध न्याय प्रशासन में अभियोजन की न्याय पूर्ण उपस्थिति ही एकमात्र विकल्प है..और यही लोकतांत्रिक समाज का  धेय भी है

                    ये पुकारता है वक्त  ...
                                   अभियोजन को करो सशक्त .....

आपराधिक न्याय प्रशासन और अभियोजन  के हित में 
शासन ३ मांग तत्काल पूरी करे 

१) परीविकक्षाधीन  अधिकारीयों का तुरंत स्थायी करण |

२) खाली पड़े पदों पर तत्काल  पदोन्नति  की डीपीसी |

३) उप संचालक के पद  पर पदोन्नति की  समय सीमा  का शिथलीकरण |

For another page  click on page title and know more about public prosecution and abhiyojan sangh  ......... 
                                                                           Thanks to visit


  1. wp 5756/2007 may list on last week of January2012 as per previous order of the court

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. wish happy republic day..... to all members.....

  4. please put more effort over henious crime...socity is in dangerterefore it is dury of every prosecuter to save socity from crime... have a gud day..

  5. today all prosecuters of jabalpur join a meating of secretary home at jabalpur police control room

  6. yehh....but that was noisy....actuly such types of meetings do not serve purpose...ok...dear sir u r welcome here plse invite more friends to scrape here..

  7. A prosector is not persecutor nor mute spectetor in court...he is apostle of justice.....so must take active and impartial part in expension of justice......have agood time

  8. hello uncle, now i am also following your blog and i expect it would help me in future, as i am a law student............happy to see that you have done good with the blog

  9. hello vaibhav....u r welcome here.....but not follow only ..but allow ur valuable support here...and pls vist facebook site too...u will find much more photos there...oky wish u all the good

  10. govt should take action regarding DPC urgently ....sangh demand this

  11. strength is life & weakness is death....(Swami Vivekanand)

  12. Arise ! Awake !
    and stop not till the goal is reached...(Swami Vivekanand)

  13. Indore, Bpl, Jbl,Gwl wale nhi.... hum hai M.P. ke Abhiyojan Adhikari hai...

  14. 8 जून
    लोक अभियोजन दिवस घोषित करो

  15. Replies
    1. नये वर्ष की आपको एवं अभियोजन सम्बर्ग के सभी अधिकारियो को हार्दिक बधाई।आशा है की नव वर्ष में हम गत वर्ष से अधिक सक्रियता और जीवटता दिखाते हुए समाज और प्रशासन में अभियोजन के महत्व को रेखांकित करेंगे।अपेक्षा यह भी है की वर्षों से उपेक्षा और असुविधा का मार झेल रहे अभियोजन सम्बर्ग की भलाई के कार्य वर्ष 2016 में शासन् की ओर से अवश्य होंगे।

  16. हनुमंत भाई इस ब्लॉग का अपडेशन आगे भी जरी रखे इससे आपके ज्ञान का लाभ अन्य लोग भी उठा सकेंगे

  17. Abhiyojan vibhag ki pehchan banani chahiye.

  18. Abhiyojan vibhag ki pehchan banani chahiye.

  19. Sir my first time pay scale not sanction ple proced and 7th pay fixation not fixed ple do this (ajay iwnati ag-2 sidhi)

  20. Sir my first time pay scale not sanction ple proced and 7th pay fixation not fixed ple do this (ajay iwnati ag-2 sidhi)
